History Proves Recession Doesn’t Equal a Housing Crisis
by jnyiszter | Jun 3, 2022 | baby boomers, condo owners, condos, First Time Home Buyers, FSBO, gen z, Generation X, home buyers, Home Owners, Home Sellers, investment properties, luxury homes, millennials, property owners, townhome owners, townhomes, Uncategorized
History Proves Recession Doesn’t Equal a Housing Crisis [INFOGRAPHIC]
![History Proves Recession Doesn’t Equal a Housing Crisis [INFOGRAPHIC] | MyKCM]()
Some Highlights
- It’s important to understand history proves an economic slowdown does not equal a housing crisis.
- In 4 of the last 6 recessions, home prices actually appreciated. Home prices only fell twice – minimally in the early 90s and then by nearly 20% during the housing crash in 2008.
- If you have questions, let’s connect to discuss why today’s housing market is nothing like 2008.